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  • Immigration Entrepeneurship Covid-19 | Northern Virginia Regional Commission

    Entrepreneurship - COVID-19 Reports, maps, and charts are best viewed on a desktop or tablet. Key Facts Entrepreneurship - COVID-19 Immigrants are job creators In Northern Virginia, immigrant entrepreneurs – those who work for their own businesses, incorporated or not – are making their mark locally. ​ Workers in non-essential industries have been severely affected by the economic fallout of the coronavirus outbreak, especially those who cannot work remotely or whose businesses depend normally on face-to-face interaction. 2014 to 2018 Period Key Facts: ​ More than half of all personal service entrepreneurs in Northern Virginia are foreign born. ​ Between one-quarter and one-half of all entrepreneurs in the non-essential industries of retail trade, healthcare and social services, educational services, professional services, and manufacturing are foreign born.

  • Immigration Where to Get Help | NOVADashboard | NVRC | Northern Virginia

    Where to Get Help? Help to Immigrants There are a myriad of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that provide services to immigrants, including refugees. A number of the local governments in Northern Virginia also provide links to information and services. Alexandria City American Civil Liberties Union - Virginia Affiliate American Red Cross Arlington County Government Ayuda CAIR Coalition CASA de Virginia Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington - Hogar Immigrant Services Ethiopian Community Development Council, Inc. Fairfax County Government Just Neighbors Ministry Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) Korean Community Service Center of Greater Washington Legal AID Justice Center Literacy Council of Northern Virginia Loudoun Literacy Council Lutheran Social Services - Refugee and Immigration Services (Falls Church Office) Northern Virginia Family Services SCAN of Northern Virginia Tahirih Justice Center The National Korean American Service & Education Consortium Uceda English Institute of Virginia US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants VOICE

  • Education | Northern Virginia Regional Commission

    Education Information on education of the overall Northern Virginia region and its county and cities. Overall Information on education of Northern Virginia incorporated towns . Towns

  • Education of Towns | Northern Virginia Regional Commission

    Education of Towns About the Towns Data There are 14 incorporated towns in Northern Virginia. For comparative purposes, Northern Virginia counties and cities, Commonwealth of Virginia, and United States data are provided in the graphs. About the Data and Proper Data Interpretation The education data of incorporated towns is sourced from the U.S. Census Bureau 2000 Census and the American Community Survey (ACS). All of the incorporated towns in Northern Virginia have a population of less than 65,000 persons. One-year ACS estimates do not exist for incorporated places with a population of less than 65,000. All incorporated towns and places in the United States are included in the five-year ACS estimates. ​ It is important to note that any data sourced from the ACS is based on a small sample of the population of a place. The ACS estimates for places with smaller populations such as Clifton, Dumfries, Hamilton, Haymarket, Hillsboro, Lovettsville, Middleburg, and Quantico can be unreliable if the margin of error is large. ​ Only data variables that are deemed relatively reliable have data provided at the town level. For instance, poverty data is unreliable for many towns in Northern Virginia so that data is not being provided. ​ Educational Attainment

  • Immigration Study Healthcare | Northern Virginia Regional Commission

    Healthcare Reports, maps, and charts are best viewed on a desktop or tablet. Key Facts Healthcare Access to healthcare and medical services is critical for well-being A healthy population and a healthy workforce are essential to a thriving community regardless of immigration status. To overcome this pandemic, it is vital that communities look at creative ways to ensure that everyone stays safe and healthy. 2014 to 2018 Five-Year Estimates Key Facts: ​ The foreign born make up a significant share of those lacking health insurance. Approximately 1 out of 5 foreign born persons are uninsured in Northern Virginia, which is significantly higher than the U.S. born population uninsured rate. Approximately 1 out of 20 U.S. born are uninsured.​ Foreign born make up almost 65 percent of all uninsured in Northern Virginia, while the overall foreign born population is 27.6 percent. The foreign born are clearly disproportionately burdened. ​ Central American countries and Mexico, which are generally Hispanic, make up the largest share of the foreign born population without insurance in Northern Virginia.

  • Economics of Towns | Northern Virginia Regional Commission

    Economics of Towns About the Towns Economics Data There are 14 incorporated towns in Northern Virginia. For comparative purposes, Northern Virginia counties and cities, Commonwealth of Virginia, and United States data are provided in the graphs. About the Data and Proper Data Interpretation The economic data of incorporated towns is sourced from the 2000 Census and the American Community Survey (ACS). All of the incorporated towns in N orthern Virginia have a population of less than 65,000 persons. One-year ACS estimates do not exist for incorporated places with a population of less than 65,000. All incorporated towns and places in the United States are included in the five-year ACS estimates. ​ It is important to note that any data sourced from the ACS is based on a small sample of the population of a place. The ACS estimates for places with smaller populations such as Clifton, Dumfries, Hamilton, Haymarket, Hillsboro, Lovettsville, Middleburg, and Quantico can be unreliable if the margin of error is large. A town's margin of area for an ACS data piece can be found by hovering over the town's data in a graph. If there is a large increase or decrease in the estimate from one time period to the next, and the margin of error is large and overlaps other periods, then the large change between time periods is likely due to statistical sampling error and is not considered statistically significant. In addition to the margin of error, the accuracy of the American Community Survey data for an area can be gaged by evaluating the trend. If the data has a clear trend then the data from one period to the next can be deemed reliable. ​ Only data variables that are deemed relatively reliable have data provided at the town level. For instance, poverty data is unreliable for many towns in Northern Virginia so that data is not being provided. Median Household Income

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) | Northern Virginia Regional Commission

    Coronavirus Data and Maps Northern Virginia maps, charts, and summary data about the coronavirus and its impact on the region are provided. These were created as a service to share Virginia statewide and regional data and maps to assist government and non-government entities to track Northern Virginia's pandemic conditions and to identify areas that may be most affected by the coronavirus pandemic and may need support. Information includes: Cases and vaccination data. Testing data is no longer published on this dashboard. The testing dashboard was retired on January 12, 2023. For information on why it was retired please see the testing webpage. Cases and vaccinations by demographic groups. Story maps and dashboards, with Interactive mapping applications and demographics on vulnerable populations in the region and statewide are provided down to the census tract. Cases Testing Vaccine Demographics Economic Impact Vulnerable Populations

  • Economics Household Income Overall | Northern Virginia Regional Commission

    Household Income Distribution Overall Reports, maps, and charts are best viewed on a desktop or tablet. Key Facts Household Income Distribution Overall Northern Virginia is known for having communities with some of the highest incomes in the United States, including the county with the highest median household income in the nation. High incomes coincide with the large, thriving business community of the Northern Virginia region. While high incomes exist, we must recognize that there are segments of the community that are lower income and in need of assistance that live in this prosperous region of the country. About the Data and Proper Data Interpretation Median household income data is sourced from the U.S. Census Bureau 2000 Census and the American Community Survey (ACS). ​ It is important to note that any data sourced from the ACS is based on a small sample of the population of a place. Areas with smaller populations, such as the cities of Northern Virginia, may have a larger margin of error in the data due to the survey sample size being small. This is less of an issue the larger the population. The margin of error is shown in the popup that is displayed when hovering over a bar in the bar charts. If there is a large increase or decrease in the estimate from one time period to the next, and the margin of error is large and overlaps other periods, then the large change between time periods is likely due to statistical sampling error and is not considered statistically significant. In addition to the margin of error, the accuracy of the American Community Survey data for an area can be gaged by evaluating the trend. If the data has a clear trend then the data from one period to the next can be deemed reliable. Five-Year Estimates - Current All jurisdictions in the United States are included in the five-year American Community Survey estimates. The share of Northern Virginia households in each income cohort is shown in this graph. While Northern Virginia is known for having communities with some of the highest median incomes in the United States, it must be recognized that there are segments of the community in need of assistance that live in one of the most prosperous regions in the country. It also must be recognized that there is a significant need for more affordable housing for both the low and moderate income households. One-Year Estimates - Current Those jurisdictions with a population of 65,000 or more are included in the one-year American Community Survey estimates. The median household income of jurisdictions in Northern Virginia with a population of 65,000 or more is shown in this graph.

  • Immigration Study Citizenship | Northern Virginia Regional Commission

    Citizenship Key Facts Citizenship Immigrants in Northern Virginia have above average rates of naturalization 2013 to 2017 Period Key Facts: ​ More than half, or 51.3 percent, of all immigrants in the region, have earned their U.S. citizenship. The Northern Virginia U.S. Citizenship rate of immigrants is higher than the national average of 48 percent. Further information about citizenship, from research NVRC has conducted separately from the One Region report, can be found on the People dashboard .

  • People / Population | Northern Virginia Regional Commission

    People / Population Information on the people of the overall Northern Virginia region and it's county and cities. Overall Information on the people of Northern Virginia's incorporated towns . Towns

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) Economic Impact | Northern Virginia Regional Commission

    Economic Impact of Coronavirus Reports, maps, and charts are best viewed on a desktop or tablet. Unemployment and Labor Force Information on the economic impact and recovery from the coronavirus pandemic in Northern Virginia are found in the Economic Tracking Report. The tracking document includes data and trends on the labor force and unemployment. The report is updated following the monthly release of the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Local Area Unemployment Statistics .​ Economic Tracking Report Click on image for document Latest Version released: May 31, 2024 ​ Updates will occur within 3 business days after the following BLS scheduled release dates: July 3, 2024 (May 2024 data) July 30, 2024 (June 2024 data) August 28, 2024 (July 2024 data) October 2, 2024 (Aug. 2024 data) State of the Region: Economic Recovery and Transformation from COVID-19 Pandemic Information on the state of the Northern Virginia region's economic recovery and the transformation from the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is found in the State of the Region July 2022 report. As society eases back to normalcy, people have been returning to the labor force, but – despite many people returning to the labor force and new entrants to the Northern Virginia labor force – there are currently not enough workers to meet the labor force demands across various industries in the region. The region’s labor force is significantly down from February 2020, there are a high number of job postings, and there is a low unemployment rate. The economic effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic recovery has been uneven across industries and demographic groups in Northern Virginia. Understanding why the Northern Virginia region’s labor force has declined, why those people in Northern Virginia who left the labor force during the pandemic are not returning in full, and how to overcome a shortage of labor is critical to fostering an economy and community where residents and businesses can thrive. This report provides detailed information on these factors. Click on image for report Minority-Owned Businesses Minority-owned businesses have experienced heightened risk associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a complex effect on the region’s local economy and on the wellbeing of its minority-owned businesses. Northern Virginia is home to 128,000 minority-owned businesses, representing the community’s diverse fabric and entrepreneurship. The report on Supporting Northern Virginia's Minority-Owned Businesses was released on June 23, 2021. The report contains detailed information on the minority-owned business community, how they were impacted by the pandemic, and recommendations for supporting them through the pandemic economic recovery and in the future beyond the pandemic. The Northern Virginia Minority-Owned Working Group present this report. The group is composed of members from the Northern Virginia Regional Commission, the Community Foundation for Northern Virginia, the Fairfax County Economic Development Authority, the Loudoun County Department of Economic Development, the Prince William County Department of Economic Development, Arlington Economic Development, and the Alexandria Economic Development Partnership. ​ A report release webinar event was hosted on June 23, 2021 to highlight the report findings. The event also included other presentations, a fire side chat with leaders from across the region, and testimonies from minority business owners. For the video recording and details on the event see the NVRC demographic webinar series website . ​ Report: The report provides a Northern Virginia level of analysis on minority-owned businesses. Data Dashboard: The dashboard provides a summary of the report findings, interactive data charts, and more detailed information than that found in the report, including jurisdiction level data. ​ The dashboard will be updated on a quarterly basis by the Northern Virginia Regional Commission. Timeline of updates are found on the data dashboard. View Report and Data Dashboard Latest version released: June 8, 2022 Paycheck Protection Program Small Business Loans Small businesses have been hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) was a small business loan program enacted by Congress for relief from the COVID-19 pandemic's economic fallout. Loans were distributed from April 3, 2020 through August 8, 2020. Nationally it provided $525 billion in forgivable loans for firms to cover payroll and some operational costs. The PPP Loans Dashboard contains a report summarizing how Northern Virginia businesses, localities, and industries fared with the loan program. The analysis utilizes the PPP loan database released on December 2, 2020 by the Small Business Administration. Click on image to go to dashboard

  • People Foreign Born of Towns | Northern Virginia Regional Commission

    Foreign Born and Immigrants of Towns Reports, maps, and charts are best viewed on a desktop or tablet. Key Facts Foreign Born Population Overall ​The Washington, D.C. metropolitan area is one of the most diverse in the country when taking into consideration the minority and foreign born (immigrant) population make-up. Northern Virginia contains a sizable amount of the metropolitan area's diverse population. The foreign born or immigrant population is transforming the region and many of it's towns. Note, the terms foreign born and immigrant are used interchangeably throughout the NOVA Region Dashboard. ​ It is immigration that has been driving many of the major demographic trends in the region, including: School enrollment changes Sizable increases in the number of Hispanics and Asians Population and labor force growth About the Data and Proper Data Interpretation Foreign born population data is sourced from the U.S. Census Bureau 2000 Census and the American Community Survey. All of the incorporated towns in Northern Virginia have a population of less than 65,000 persons. One-year ACS estimates do not exist for incorporated places with a population of less than 65,000. All incorporated towns and places in the United States are included in the five-year ACS estimates. ​ ​It is important to note that any data sourced from the ACS is based on a small sample of the population of a place. The ACS estimates for places with smaller populations such as Clifton, Dumfries, Hamilton, Haymarket, Hillsboro, Lovettsville, Middleburg, and Quantico can be unreliable if the margin of error is large. The margin of error is shown in the popup that is displayed when hovering over a bar in the bar charts. If there is a large increase or decrease in the estimate from one time period to the next, and the margin of error is large and overlaps other periods, then the large change between time periods is likely due to statistical sampling error and is not considered statistically significant. In addition to the margin of error, the accuracy of the American Community Survey data for an area can be gaged by evaluating the trend. If the data has a clear trend then the data from one period to the next can be deemed reliable. Foreign Born Population - Current Foreign Born Population Share - Current The region's highest ranked county/city is Manassas Park City, ranking 7th in the nation at 36.5%. The town of Herndon has a foreign born population share of 41.8% which is estimated to be higher, however the town is not statistically different from the City of Manassas Park based on the margins of error. Towns that are estimated to have lower foreign born population shares than the Commonwealth of Virginia are all located within rural Loudoun County (Lovettsville, Purcellville, Hamilton, Middleburg, Round Hill), except for Clifton which is located in rural Fairfax County and Quantico which is surrounded by the Quantico Marine Corps Base in Prince William County. Note, the town of Hillsboro's 2017-2021 estimate is considered to be highly unreliable based on the large margin of error, its large increase from prior five-year periods, and its rural setting in Loudoun County. Foreign Born Population - Historic Compared to Current Foreign Born Population Share - Historic Compared to Current Immigration has been driving many of the major demographic trends in the region. The foreign born population is transforming the region. Northern Virginia's population was 21.4% foreign born in 2000 and has risen to 27.7% currently. ​ ​Large transformations since 2000 have occurred in the towns of Dumfries, Haymarket, Leesburg, Lovettsville, Occoquan, Purcellville, and Quantico. All of these incorporated towns are located in the outer-core, which is where the majority of the region's growth has occurred. ​ Note, the American Community Survey is a survey with a small sample size. Due to the small size of many Northern Virginia towns and small sample size of the survey, the median household income of towns should be used with caution and the margin of error of the median household income should be taken into consideration. If there is a large increase or decrease in the estimate from one time period to the next, and the margin of error is large and overlaps other periods, then the large change between time periods is likely due to statistical sampling error and the data should be used with caution. The margin of error is shown in the popup that is displayed when hovering over a bar in the bar charts. In addition to the margin of error, the accuracy of the American Community Survey data for an area can be gaged by evaluating the trend. If the data does not have a clear trend, and the margin of error is large and overlaps other periods, then the large change between time periods is likely due to statistical sampling error and the data should be used with caution.

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